
Types of Friends

I've been thinking. I found that in this life, there are only 3 types of friend :
1. Friends by needs
They become your friends only because they need you for something. When you have no more use, you know what will happen.

2. Friends by situation
They become your friends because of certain situations. It's like, she's your friend cause she's your classmate. When you graduate, you stop having friend-like relationships. Even if you both were so close before. It suddenly felt like you just know each other, and no more than that.

3. True friends
You know what true friend is. True friends need no reason to be your friend.

Be aware that being a best friend does not guarantee that he/she is a true friend. I've seen people that look like a group of solid best friends, but they do talk at each others' back. The result? They all found out and split up.

Do realize that your not-so-best-friend, an ordinary friend, may be a real true friend. They always treat you well as a friend and just wanna hang out with you.

These are my version of friend types. What are you to them? And what are they to you?


Help Japan!

Help Japan. Not just by praying for Japan on your status or on your twitter. This is the least we can do to really help Japan..
By clicking the link in this web once a day, you donate 1 Yen for every click. You're allowed to click just once a day for 1 computer. If you have 10 PCs, why not click with all of them? ;)

Here's the web

And here's where you have to click to donate

Hope we can help those in need with this. If you can donate more, please do. Because I said this web is the 'least' we can do to help.